Recruit or train staff

Through an apprenticeship, you can train a promising individual to be an excellent employee or make your staff into more versatile skilled employees than they were before.
An apprenticeship is an effective way to recruit or train current staff.
By training an employee in the workplace, you will get the most suitable know-how for your needs quickly and free of charge. The values of qualifications begin at thousands of euros, but as an employer you will only pay the salary costs. There are more than 350 qualification options.
Training staff through an apprenticeship is an investment in the future, as trained and knowledgeable staff helps your company succeed. Ask more from your region’s apprenticeship operator.
Four parties
The employer and the student (i.e. employee to be trained) are the most important parties of the apprenticeship, as 80% of the studies consists of work tasks in the workplace. The educational institution and apprenticeship operator are also included. The person most involved with the apprenticeship student is the workplace trainer, i.e. a person chosen by the employer to guide the student in the workplace.
During the apprenticeship, the student also always completes theoretical studies, which support practical know-how. Theoretical studies account for approximately 20% of the apprenticeship. A fourth party, the apprenticeship operator, takes care of e.g. contractual matters and procures the theoretical education. In addition, the apprenticeship operator supports learning and guidance in the workplace.
Cost for employers
The employer will not accrue any other direct costs from recruiting and training an apprenticeship student except for salary costs. The only cost for the student is the one-time qualification fee of 58 e.
Training compensation
A workplace trainer, who guides the student in the workplace alongside his or her work, is chosen for the apprenticeship student. For this reason, the apprenticeship office or centre in your region pays the employer a training compensation for the costs of the guidance. The compensation is approximately 1–250 euros/month.
Hiring an unemployed jobseeker and pay subsidy
An employer may apply for a pay subsidy for hiring an unemployed jobseeker through an apprenticeship by contacting the home municipality’s TE Office. The apprenticeship or employment relationship cannot begin before the subsidy decision is made. The TE Office decides on the amount and duration of the subsidy based on the employer’s application.
Staff training
The apprenticeship agreement can be agreed upon with an employee whose employment contract is valid until further notice or for a fixed term. An employer may also continue a pay subsidy work period that has gone well with an apprenticeship.