How to find a job?

A job – which the apprenticeship student has to find himself or herself – is always needed for an apprenticeship.

Could one of your possible previous internships, summer or Practical Professional Orientation jobs provide an opportunity for apprenticeship learning?

Not all employers advertise their job openings separately, so feel free to contact companies that interest you and tell them about your willingness to work and complete a qualification or a qualification module through an apprenticeship.

Do not give up, even though you might not get an affirmative answer from the first or second workplace or fail to get an interview. Persistence pays off! Many apprenticeship students continue in the same workplace after completing the qualification.

Tips for job searching

Think about what occupation you are interested in and what you would be good at. When you have found your own field, start being proactive. Call, send emails, visit the workplace. If you are left wondering what the right field is for you, test what field is suitable for you and what would be a good occupation for you.

How do I find a job for an apprenticeship?

1. CV and job application

Prepare your CV and application carefully. You can receive help for compiling a good application and CV online. In your application, you can state your reasons for wanting to work at the company you are applying to and your reasons for wanting to study through an apprenticeship. See also the tips for writing a good application and CV:

2. Search for jobs online and on social media

You will find job postings in social media channels, such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook, you can follow the Apprenticeship Jobs group administered by Duunitori.

On Facebook, you can also follow job openings in your own region, which are listed, for example, by the Job Openings in Helsinki group. Also, follow your own region’s apprenticeship office’s Facebook page, through which you will receive up-to-date additional information on apprenticeship learning.

Feel free to ask your acquaintances and relatives, use all of your contacts!

3. shows the open apprenticeship positions

The website announces job openings around Finland. You will find job postings for apprenticeship students in the following way:

  1. Enter “mol” in Google search or go to
  2. Click a checkmark in the “Oppisopimus” (Apprenticeship) field in “Työn tyyppi” (Job type) section
  3. Then click on HAE (SEARCH) now displays all the open apprenticeship positions around Finland that are in the service. On the opening page, you can limit the search to apply to apprenticeship positions, for example, in your nearby area.

4. The TE Office is with you in the job search

You can ask for help in your job search from your region’s TE Office. If you cannot visit the office, the TE Office’s Own transactions online service enables you to leave a job application without visiting the office.

Through the TE Office, an unemployed jobseeker can apply for a work trial, in which he or she can try out a field of interest in practice. A successful work trial work may lead to an apprenticeship agreement. It is also possible to advance to an apprenticeship through the TE Office’s pay subsidy work. Ask more from your region’s TE Office.

5. Contacting a company

When contacting a company, you can tell the company about yourself and your know-how but also suggest a meeting. You can print the instructions below for the employer. Take them with you to the interview or meeting.

6. When you get a job interview or a job

Contact your region’s apprenticeship office or centre at the latest when the interview or job is confirmed (you will agree to at least a four-month employment contract). The apprenticeship operator will help you from here onwards.